This is Hamas - As Is
From their cameras - October 7, 2023
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(Last update - 12.1.2023)
Stabbed to death and decapitated at his home by Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Naama Levy, an Israeli 19
years old woman raped and then taken hostage to Gaza
by Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Entire Israeli family shot dead execution-style in their home by Palestinian Hamas in their home on October 7, 2023

Israeli civilians shot and killed while trying to escape from armed Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Shani Luk before, and after she was raped, murdered and her body taken to Gaza by Palestinian Hamas, where her body was driven through the streets for Gaza citizens to hit and spit on October 7, 2023

Israeli civilians tortured with electrical cord, mutilated, and murdered by the Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas attacked this pregnant woman in her house. They extracted her fetus with a knife, beheaded the baby in front of her, then murdered her too.
October 7, 2023

This video has not yet been verified as part of the murder committed by the Palestinians on October 7. But, as of now, we can confirm that the police have a photographic record of the pregnant body showing the same result as what was done in the unverified video (We might be able to publish it soon), a confession of the murderers who were captured and interrogated, and testimonies of the body collectors (“Zaka”) and medical teams in the field. Press HERE to see testimonies from a few hours after what he saw.
Palestinian Hamas slaughtered these music festival attendees. At least 260 people were murdered at this festival on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas slaughtered these music festival attendees who ran to the shelter
using handgrenades. The Israelis were narmed civilians, and did not fight. There was no need to use hand grenades other than to completely destroy their bodies. October 7, 2023
Before (from outside)

From inside

Palestinian Hamas slaughtering these unarmed civilians with many hand grenades

kidnaping all the wounded who were not
murdered. You can see how Hamas
take back of of the woman because
"see is for rape"

"Take her back, this is not a prisoner,
this one is for rape"

The terrible result

The murder of a young female music festival attendee by the Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas murder and kidnap Israeli music festival attendees on October 7, 2023

These are portable restrooms at the music festival attacked by Palestinian Hamas. Some festival goers tried to hide in them when the massacre started, and the Palestinians made sure nobody gets out alive. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas attack a family in a car. The father tries to escape with his daughter, and the Palestinians shoot the both dead. October 7, 2023
Palestinian Hamas pull a mother and her two young children from their home and take them to Gaza as hostages. October 7, 2023

Music festival attendees murdered by Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023

Gaza citizens butcher the bodies of Israelis who were kidnapped and brought into Gaza for the Palestinians to enjoy. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas invaders murdered this elderly Israeli in his home. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas fire rockets at an Israeli Ambulance in hope of killing all inside.
October 7, 2023

Burned corpses of young Israelis who attended a music festival. 2 of 260 that was murdered, raped, and tortured by Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas kidnap girls and women out of their homes and take them to Gaza as hostages. (The captured terrorists say they were kidnapped to "dirty them" and turn them into sex slaves). ​October 7, 2023

The massacre: Burned and shot corpses in a field. October 7, 2023

Noa Argamani, Israeli and Chinese citizen separated from her boyfriend and was taken hostage in Gaza, separated, by the Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023

Gal Abdush was raped, shot and burnd by Palestinian Hamas on October 7, 2023
Link about her story in The NY Times

Israeli civilian try to escape the massacre, as Palestinian Hamas shoot and kill them on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas tells Israeli civilians running for their lives to stop, so that he can kill them. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas terrorists executed a Israeli young civilian woman with a shot to the head. October 7, 2023

​Israeli unarmed young civilians were shot in the head by Palestinian Hamas as the Nazis. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas executes a civilian by a shot to the head. He then empties dozens of bullets into the body in order to completely deface it. October 7, 2023

Israeli civilian is found hiding in the bushes and slaughtered by Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas kidnap a civilian from his home and take him to Gaza as a hostage
on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas brutally kidnap women and men and take them to Gaza as hostages on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas shot and killed all these Israeli civilians who were caught waiting in a bus stop on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas kidnap an elderly Israeli woman and take her to Gaza as a hostage.
October 7, 2023.

Palestinian Hamas murdered four Israeli civilians and took one of the bodies with them to Gaza as a hostage. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas pull four family members from their home and shoot them dead execution style on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas pulled this 84 year old woman who suffers from dementia out of her home and took her to Gaza as a hostage.
October 7, 2023

Palestinians in Gaza taking pleasure at desecrating the dead bodies of Israelis they killed on October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas kidnap and torture
women and men, Israeli civilians on
October 7, 2023

​Israeli unarmed civilians were taken to the side of the road and shot in the head by Palestinian Hamas. Hamas as Nazis.
on October 7, 2023

The remains of the bloodshed committed by Palestinian Hamas in Israeli homes on
October 7, 2023

A Palestinian Hamas terrorist broadcasted live his atrocities. He received hundreds of hearts and sympathy from other "people" who enjoy seeing this. October 7, 2023

Palestinian Hamas shot and killed all these Israeli civilians who were caught running away from them on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas shot and killed this Israeli woman in her home and sent this video
to his friends in Gaza. October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas beheaded these
Israelis who were fighting to defend Israeli city on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
The two sentences that repeat
again and again in all the videos
from ​October 7, 2023
“Itbach el Yahud” (Slaughter the Jews)

Hamas = ISIS
And "Allahu Akbar"
(Allah/God is the greatest).

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas moved from car to car, took out its passengers, executed them directly or after raping them and burned most of them so that their families could not recognize them. October 7, 2023

They took down her pants, raped her
and shot her in the head..

Hamas = ISIS
A group of elderly Israelis were travelling by bus to an activity organized by their retirement home. They ran into Palestinian Hamas attackers who killed them all.
October 7, 2023

Minutes before the killing
Hamas = ISIS
Israeli teen girl was raped and murdered
at her home by Palestinians Hamas on
October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian hamas murdered this Israeli civilian at his home on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas murdered these children
at their home on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinians Hamas murdered this Israeli woman at her home on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
A bullet in the woman head who tried to escape from the Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas handcuffed this Israeli woman, raped her, mutilated her, and burnt her body so she cannot be identified.
October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas murdered and burnt these Israeli civilians who were trying to escape. October 7, 2023
Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas beheaded these
Israelis who were fighting to defend Israeli city on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas shoot and kill an elderly Israeli in his home, execution style.
October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas burnt these two
Israeli babies alive in their home
on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinians murdered and burnt this Israeli civilian in his home on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas murder this young Israeli in his room, at home on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas shot and killed this Israeli woman on the street on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas shot and killed this Israeli woman in her bed. Notice how many bullets are strewn around her body. October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas murdered this Israeli civilians and abducted their bodies to Gaza as hostages. October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinian Hamas shot and killed this young Israeli while she was trying to escape on
October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
Palestinians Hamas kidnap women from their homes and take them to Gaza as a hostage.
October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
The scene of the slaughter of the Israeli babies in their room by the Palestinian Hamas
on October 7, 2023

Hamas = ISIS
That's why Palestinian Hamas must be destroyed. And if you stand with them, you stand with these barbaric acts
Names and faces of the hostages in Gaza

Names and faces of the massacred